the works below live in the immobile;

exist in the physical;

are one-sided conversations.

The Poems Series

The Poem Series are reinterpretations of personal poems, recorded as audio recitation, which then activated a Max/MSP script enabling sound to be turned into 2-dimensional graphics.

The poems used deal with personal topics such as imperfect vision, memory, immigration, and human confrontations.

The Eigengrau Series

The Eigengrau Series explores the phenomenon also known as “background adaptation” or “visual noise” in which the human brain still perceives light and shapes even an individual is in a completely dark environment.

The photographs are taken with a digital camera in environments devoid of light. The photographs are then enhanced to extremes in order to reveal what the sensor may have still interpreted as minute amounts of light.
This series is a metaphor for the history that people are unaware of, or even often choose to ignore.